My work....

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Where have I been?

Hello! I have been gone awhile I know:P......I have been busy! Ive had another baby, and then the holidays came along......Anyways Im horrible with updating. Forgive me:( I will be updating soon!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


They were troopers because it was so hot! We got through it and barely broke a sweat:)


Great family that I've know since high school. Wow, how time goes by:)

Will and Whitney

Sweet little couple! Ahh...young love:)

My BFF's

This group of lovelys are my bff's and they allowed me some practice time!


Early in the morning at the Riverwalk. I had a great time with this family. Eli was a ham:)

Saturday, May 21, 2011

My babies:)

 These are the pretties little girls I have ever seen. Ok, Im alittle bias! I loved taking photos of my kids, but I have to admit, taking pictures of your own children is more than a challenge!! Here are a few random ones.